Summit 3.0 logo

No matter how you operate your business, our all-new Summit platform will be there to support it.

Our team of developers have listened to our customer’s feedback and created an entirely new backend platform to better support the ever-evolving needs of our customers. We know customers rely on OptConnect to provide a completely managed and robust solution. Our new Summit dashboard is the next evolution in our Connectivity-as-a-Service model to support customers as they expand and grow their network of connected devices and need greater visibility and functionality. This all-new Summit allows you to see and do more than ever before.

Manage your portfolio of connected devices:

Summit 3.0 (anywhere)
From anywhere in the world
Summit 3.0 (unique needs)
With Robust data, insights and alerts in real-time
Summit 3.0 (robust alerts)
So you can take action immediately
Summit 3.0 (24-7)
Based on your unique business needs and configurations
Summit 3.0 (visibility)
For greater visibility, uptime and reliability

Summit is now flexible and customizable to support your unique business needs

With our new platform, you can structure your portfolio to mirror the way you operate your business. Group your devices by device type, location, organization, technology, type of connected equipment, or any other designation you choose so you see exactly what you want and need.

computer mockup
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Summit now features enhanced security to keep your portfolio safe

This all-new Summit now allows you to provide exclusive access to groups of devices within your company and to third party organizations or individuals. These permissions are completely customizable to maximize flexibility, monitoring and ensure ultimate security.   
New roles allow you to keep your entire portfolio secure and visible to only those you want and permissions can be customized so specific actions are only available to those you grant rights to.
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Summit now has a help drawer on every page with helpful tips and information

In the top right corner of every Summit page you can find an expanding blue circle question mark. This will lead you to helpful information specifically for that page. This resource is a valuable tool to help you utilize Summit to its fullest.

Find helpful tips about:

• Formatting / Organizing Your Account

• What you can find on each page

• How to complete actions

• Users

• Devices

• Location

• Usage History

And so much more!

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Summit is now interactive so you can structure things the way you want

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Your business moves fast and this all-new Summit was built to help you stay on top of what matters most to you. Data fields can be customized so you can prioritize what you see and what shows up on the dashboard. You can now export that customized view on filtered results or across the entire portfolio.

Customize your view by things like:  

  • Serial #’s
  • Last Check-In
  • Location
  • Status
  • Model
  • Network Type
  • And more!
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This all-new Summit supports a single sign-on for complete access to everything you need

Now that Summit supports multiple levels of view (Organizations, Sub-Organizations, Groups) you can view everything you have been invited to see with a single email login. That makes it more secure while also being much easier to navigate. Get access to everything you need to see in once central spot.

Summit 3.0 (sign in before)
With the all-new Summit
Summit 3.0 (sign in after)-1

In addition to all of these enhancements and improvements,

the all-new Summit still includes all of the incredible features

customers have relied on to manage their portfolio:

Summit 3.0 (health)
Summit 3.0 (signal)
Summit 3.0 (reset)
Summit 3.0 (24-7))png
Monitor the health of each OptConnect device
Check signal strength
Reset wireless connections
Real-time status checks
Summit 3.0 (api)
Summit 3.0 (status)
Summit 3.0 (location)
Summit 3.0 (more)
API integration
Review check-in data
Get location information about the device
And so much more!
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Are you read to experience the all-new Summit? We know we are biased, but the view from the top is pretty remarkable. Contact us today to get started at 877.678.3343.